The Burning Age Is Over is an ongoing educational film series co-produced by Better Creative, Toronto PCM and Dr. Peter Carter, expert reviewer with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. The hope is for these videos to build awareness and inspire deep reflection on this critical time that we live in, leaving behind the age of dangerous greenhouse gas pollution as we build towards a life-saving clean energy future.
The Burning Age introduces the basic concept of climate change, its causes, and the urgent need for action - ending with the opportunity of moving our societies towards a bright new clean energy era. This video was showcased at the world's largest geophysical science conference, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in Fall 2016.
(editor / narrator: Kai RW, animator: Abhilasha Dewan, October 2015)
(editor / narrator: Kai RW, animator: Abhilasha Dewan, October 2015)
Act NOW! is a very high-energy video, produced in advance of the United Nations Climate Summit in Paris at COP21, December 2015. This piece is designed to help shake viewers out of our sense of complacency, by recognizing that we're all facing a real climate emergency NOW.
(editor / narrator: Kai RW, animator: Abhilasha Dewan, November 2015)
(editor / narrator: Kai RW, animator: Abhilasha Dewan, November 2015)
ABOUT THE SERIES: Every society lives in an age: ours could be called, the Burning Age. So rapidly have we burned fossil fuels, dug from deep beneath the earth's surface, that we're now heating and acidifying our oceans, heating our atmosphere and accelerating never-before-seen changes to the earth's climate.
Yet no age lasts forever. As the consequences of the Burning Age become more dire and urgent, humanity is right now charting a path towards a bright new era: the Age of Renewables, and other clean and more plentiful energy sources. Join us as we follow this critical transformation at the most important time in human history. The Burning Age Is Over... how will we shape the next age?
The Burning Age Is Over is © Kai RW, Dr. Peter Carter and Better Creative 2017
We encourage sharing this work to grow social awareness, and inspire smart action on climate.
Client: Dr. Peter Carter
Artists: Kai RW, Abhilasha Dewan, Peter Carter
We encourage sharing this work to grow social awareness, and inspire smart action on climate.
Client: Dr. Peter Carter
Artists: Kai RW, Abhilasha Dewan, Peter Carter